A card that was overlooked in the release of Crimson Invasion was one called Gyarados-GX. With it's massive attack cost and seemily puny damage output. Many worth while competitor turned to the greater cards that came out of the set such as Buzzwole. Now as I look back at the set and ponder deck ideas for upcoming formats and well meta breaking decks, I have turned my eyes to a outliner, Gyarados-GX. Video Posted On my Youtube Channel!!
Deck List:
Pokemon: 12
3 - Magikarp (EVO)
3 - Gyarados-GX (CRI)
2 - Keldeo (SLG)
1 - Celebi (SLG)
1 - Palkia-EX (BKP)
2 - Tapu Lele (BUS)
Items: 35
3 - Professor Sycamore
3 - N
4 - Lusamine
2 - Acerola
2 - Guzma
2 - Super Rod
2 - Rescue Stretcher
4 - Ultra Ball
4 - Aqua Patch
4 - Brooklet Hill
2 - Float Stone
3- Choice Band
Energy: 13
7 - Water Energy
4 - Double Colorless
2 - Counter Energy
Now Gyarados in the Pokemon TCG has always been a card that relied on heavy damage but for high costs. Let's take a look at Gyarados-EX and Mega Gyarados-EX first because they are relivent to the overall deck.
When looking at these two cards we can see same massive energy costs, even for the meta that they were in the energy cost is still high. Now not so much. Gyarados-EX had Stormy Seas that allow one to flip a coin till they got tails, then attach as many water energy to Gyarados as there was heads. A good set up for Blast Geyser which was the really heavy hitter for attacks, Splash Burn wasn't ever really used to much. Blast Geyser could put out the high damage that was need to OHKO Mega Pokemon and that's why people were drawn to it. When we look at Gyarados-GX we don't really see that do we? Well maybe not but if we think about some supporting cards, I might be able to change your mind.
Draconic Disaster is where the damage lies, but unfortunately for us it is not consist damage. It requires two things; one, a stadium card, and two, for you to discard that stadium card. If there is no stadium card in play than this attack only does 100 base damage, but if there is one than it does 200 base damage. 200 is way better than 100 in the format that we play in now. Though its still not OHKOing anything out there. That's okay though because it pretty much secures a 2HKO on anything in the meta. Then down side to this is that is cost 5 energy which is not easy to get on a water type Pokemon. I mean water doesn't have an ability that puts a lot of energy on at one time. Thus, making on troublesome problem for us water type users. All hope isn't lost though because I am about to introduce something that may fix the problems, but first let's talk about the way you can get a stadium into play every single turn. It's an easy solution and that is to make a loop with Lusamine. Now it might now sound like the best plan but it really is the only way. Lusamine allows you to bring a supporter and a stadium back into your hand, but you are using your supporter for the turn. Now on to the energy conundrum.
The fist way to accelerate energy onto water type Pokemon is aqua patch now this isn't going to break the game but it allows you to take that one energy per turn and make it two or possibly three in a pinch.
Next up we have on of my favorite techs in this deck. Palkia-EX. Yes it take two water energy to run its attack but if you can get it out on the first turn then it will speed this deck up a lot. If not it doesn't really work as well, but it can still be used if you are a skilled player. It does some damage and thins your deck out really well.
Having Counter Energy and Double colorless energy in this deck seems kind of silly but when looking at the deck and so many 1 tech cards in it, then it kind of fills out the deck a little bit. When looking at some of the cards such as Palkia-EX and Keldeo then you find yourself in need of some counter energy sometimes. Keldeo is great at closing games and allows you to come from behind. You will be trading prizes in most games so counter energy is there to put you back in the game.
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