A card that was overlooked in the release of Crimson Invasion was one called Gyarados-GX. With it's massive attack cost and seemily puny damage output. Many worth while competitor turned to the greater cards that came out of the set such as Buzzwole. Now as I look back at the set and ponder deck ideas for upcoming formats and well meta breaking decks, I have turned my eyes to a outliner, Gyarados-GX. Video Posted On my Youtube Channel!! Deck List: Pokemon: 12 3 - Magikarp (EVO) 3 - Gyarados-GX (CRI) 2 - Keldeo (SLG) 1 - Celebi (SLG) 1 - Palkia-EX (BKP) 2 - Tapu Lele (BUS) Items: 35 3 - Professor Sycamore 3 - N 4 - Lusamine 2 - Acerola 2 - Guzma 2 - Super Rod 2 - Rescue Stretcher 4 - Ultra Ball 4 - Aqua Patch 4 - Brooklet Hill 2 - Float Stone 3- Choice Band Energy: 13 7 - Water Energy 4 - Double Colorless 2 - Counter Energy Now Gyarados in the Pokemon TCG has always been a card that relied on heavy d...